Enact Community Solar in Michigan

Enact Community Solar in Michigan

The purpose of this campaign is to enact into law, a Community Solar policy, which would require DTE, Consumers Energy and the other utilities to work with developers to build Community Solar projects in Michigan.

Community Solar enables residents that live in an apartment, or whose home isn't suitable for rooftop solar, or can't afford the full up-front cost of installing a solar energy system, to be able to buy or subscribe to solar panels located at a community solar array, and the electricity produced by those panels would be credited back to where the person lives. Community ...

The purpose of this campaign is to enact into law, a Community Solar policy, which would require DTE, Consumers Energy and the other utilities to work with developers to build Community Solar projects in Michigan.

Community Solar enables residents that live in an apartment, or whose home isn't suitable for rooftop solar, or can't afford the full up-front cost of installing a solar energy system, to be able to buy or subscribe to solar panels located at a community solar array, and the electricity produced by those panels would be credited back to where the person lives. Community Solar enables all people and business to have the option of being able to purchase lower costing solar electricity to save monery and contribute to a cleaner environment. 

The first step is for you to contact your State Senator to urge them to support Senate Bill 153 (sponsored by Democrat Sen. Jeff Irwin) and Senate Bill 152 (sponsored by Republican Sen. Ed McBroom) and to urge Sen. Sean McCann, the Chair of the Senate Energy and Environment Committee, to hold a Committee Hearing this Fall to vote on these billls.


Email the Chairman of the Senate Energy and Environment Committee

I'm asking you to send an email to your State Senator to urge their support for two bills that will enact Community Solar into law.  By sending an email to your State Senator you will also be sending an email to Sen. Sean McCann, the Chair of the Senate Energy and Environment Committee.  Our goal is to get Sen. McCann to hold a hearing this Fall and schedule a vote on Senate Bills 153 and 152 that will establish Community Solar in Michigan.

The first step in enacting a new law is for the Committee with the jurisdiction, to hold a hearing to review the bills and then to vote in support of the bills.  The bills will then go to the full Michigan Senate for a vote.  If the majority of the Senate votes in support, then the bills willl go to the Michigan House and the bills will undergo a similar process. 

For Community Solar, the Committee is the Senate Energy and Enviornment Committee and Sen. Sean McCann (Democrat from Kalamazoo) is the Chairman.  He held a hearing on these Community Solar bills on June 13, where various speakers testified in support of the blls.  Now we want Sen. McCann to hold another hearing this Fall but this time to vote on the two bills. 

So please send an email to your Senator to urge their support for these two bills to establish Community Solar in Michigan, so all residents and small business will have the option of obtaining lower costing and environmentally friendly Solar Electricity. 

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Please rewrite the message using your own words.
  • Feel free to add a few more sentences. 
  • Encourage your friends to send an email to their State Senator.
  • DTE and Consumers Energy oppose this bills. We need to make sure the Senators listen to us, the voters, versus these utilities.